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Writer's pictureSam Elyse

Author/Anime Color Palette Series: Hannah x The Painted Lady, Katara

Welcome to my author/anime color palette series! Where my obsession with hex codes and middle grade/graphic novels come together. I'll break down an author's photo color palette and which animated character they remind me of.

Hannah V. Sawyerr, @HannSawyerr, is a noteworthy 2021 #PitchWars Mentor and former Youth Poet Laureate of Baltimore (an honor awarded by DewMore Baltimore, the Baltimore Mayor's Office, Urban Word NYC, and Enoch Pratt Libraries). Her debut novel-in-verse, Call Him By Name, reveals tragic communal truths told through court transcripts, journal entries, and poetry. Sawyerr's MC "Amina Conteh has always believed in using her words as a weapon, but when she experiences a sexual assault from a trusted clergy member, her voice falls quiet." Published autumn 2023 with world rights bought by Abrams, readers will learn the many different avenues of healing, love, and self-strength.

What's Hannah's author color palette like?

Hex codes include: doppio, burnt marmalade, sweet soufflé, and robin egg.

Hannah speaks out for her community—as does fave Avatar: The Last Airbender water tribe member, Katara. In Episode 43, "The Painted Lady," Katara disguises herself as a goddess river spirit to heal the sick and starving villagers who are being poisoned by the Fire Nation's power-hungry operations. Katara is ultimately thanked by the real Painted Lady for aiding the people in her place.

What do you think? For those curious to discover more, follow me on Twitter or Instagram @sammi_elyse.


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